Thursday, May 31, 2012

Setting Out the Grid

Feature 2 in Locus A
The groundwork has been laid for next week.  We will begin our excavations in the smaller of two areas, one that I've labeled Locus A.  There we will excavate 18 systematically placed shovel test pits (and likely a few judgmental as well) around at least two features.  Additionally, we should excavate two or more 1x1 meter excavation units near the features.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Too Awesome Not to Post

This image has little direct relevance to the field class that begins next week, but it's just such an awesome artifact that I had to post it. In graduate school, I worked on a couple of Hohokam sites, so their material culture is near and dear to my heart, though I have to say that I was never aware of this one.

Here's the caption that accompanied the image on the Arizona State Museum's website:
This Hohokam rabbit net, about 165 ft long by 3.6 ft wide, is made of knotted human hair! This photo is from 1967 (by Helga Teiwes) and shows E. Leavitt and R. Medieiars laying it out on the sidewalk adjacent to the museum.

Feeling Soil Texture

This video will likely seem strange and boring to you field students right now, but it will serve as a good reference as we go through the season.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Equipment is arriving.  Your $50 is being put to good use.  June 4 is a go.